Are you interested in Food allergy testing? Do you think this is contributing to your health problems? You are probably correct!

Food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities are major triggers for many symptoms, and unfortunately, can contribute to serious health problems.

If you already know you are ready to be tested, please feel free to take advantage of our 15 minute free discovery call to discuss how Dr. Tauzin can help you identify the culprits.

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If you are interested to know more, please read below to understand how these terms have been used interchangeably and often incorrectly.

food allergy

Food Allergy

Food allergies are an immediate immune reaction to a food that is ingested.  This can cause anaphylaxis and could result in death in some serious cases. Examples would be a child who has a peanut or seafood allergy. Many people carry around epi-pens in case this occurs.  Sometimes allergies will remain for life; however, sometimes people can outgrow them.

Food Sensitivity

A food sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction after eating certain foods. These can be difficult to pinpoint as symptoms can occur up to several days after ingesting the offending foods. Food sensitivities often result from gut dysbiosis or leaky gut.  Sensitivities can change and are easily resolved with proper treatment.

Food Intolerance

A food that the body cannot digest properly is a food intolerance. For example, we often see people with a lactose intolerance or Celiac’s (a gluten intolerance), but there are many more that most people never identify and are never discussed.  Food intolerances are foods specific to the individual that must be avoided for the rest of your life.

When a food intolerance is eaten, this will cause the body to immediately build up toxins inside, instead of digesting foods. When these foods are eaten regularly, the body becomes toxic, triggering many different symptoms, which will in turn impede digestion, leading to a decrease in absorption of important vitamins and minerals. Over time, this develops into disease. Most conventional tests cannot pinpoint a person’s food intolerance. With Naturopathic Medicine, we can do this effortlessly.

At Denver Vitalist Medicine, identifying food sensitivities and food intolerances is vital to treatment. Every patient will have a food intolerance evaluation using an old Naturopathic method with their initial consult. Patients who take their food intolerance out of their diet see dramatic improvements in their health and usually drop 5-10 pounds without even trying. Food sensitivity tests can also be ordered if deemed necessary for each individual.

Are you ready to identify your food intolerance and see your own dramatic results? Schedule an initial consult.


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“My results came back intolerant to dairy with a fruit and sugar combo. After taking dairy out of my diet and avoiding sugar and fruit in the same meal, I started to feel amazing, my bowel movements became regular, my skin cleared up, and I lost 10 pounds! Talk about a challenge to implement these changes; however, every time I accidently eat them now, my body lets me know it.”

“The Carroll Food Intolerance evaluation is the naturopathic doctor’s best kept secret.  Everyone should have their intolerances identified.  I found out mine was potato.  Avoiding it has changed my life, along with the homepathy and herbal remedies. Before, I could barely get out of bed in the mornings. Thanks for your help Dr. Robin.”