Are you experiencing unexplained symptoms, and nothing is helping? Do you think you might have Lyme disease? Healing from Lyme disease using Naturopathic Medicine involves diet and lifestyle changes, detoxifying the body, and more.

Many health professionals don’t quite understand Lyme disease, but you have come to the right place. Dr. Robin Tauzin ND is Lyme literate and has treated Lyme patients with great success.

It is important to understand the following:

  • Many people with Lyme do not get the classic “bull’s eye rash.”
  • A good majority of people with Lyme are unaware that they ever had a tick bite.
  • Symptoms such as flu like symptoms, unexplained pains, fevers, rashes, brain fog, disrupted sleep, depression, and fatigue are often experienced.
  • These symptoms can mysteriously disappear and reappear randomly, sometimes years later.
  • Lyme testing is not accurate and costs a lot of money.
  • It is NOT all in your head.

Lyme can mimic many diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, psychosomatic disorders, and mental illnesses.

Lyme disease is a disruption in the body’s electrical system, triggering dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system. This disruption causes the nerves to keep firing, which is responsible for all the pain and inflammation felt in the body.

Dr. Robin specializes in helping people with unexplained illness. If you would like to know more, please schedule a 15-minute discovery call with Dr. Robin to discuss how she can help you.

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